The Art Of Selling You
- June 8, 2015
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Brand + Design, Personal Brand

Yes, there’s a science to selling and marketing. And yes, there’s a book for that. Or 240,372 of them according to Amazon.
The science says you take specific actions. You return calls and emails swiftly (as a form of respect, not because your client necessarily needs it). You work ethically with the long-game in mind (because you’re building clients/buyers and a business for life). You’re consistently helpful (the rule of reciprocity says it will come back to you). And you share social proof (because we want what people like us have).
Include all of these in your arsenal and you’ve built yourself an excellent foundation.
But to really take it up a notch (or seven) you need to layer on the art of selling you.
Because the art is where you inject your personality—your unique brand of expertise and delivery—into developing initial and enduring relationships with your clients, buyers and readers.
Think about that. Just like Jackson Pollock didn’t copy Picasso, you don’t want to replicate your icons. Learn from those who’ve gone before you, but develop your own art.
How? You can start by asking yourself just four questions and then using those answers to test every step of your sales and marketing process.
Who’s your sweet-spot client? This is where exquisite clarity pays off in spades. Appealing to a corporate executive is diametrically different from attracting start-up entrepreneurs. Or restaurant owners, authors or doctors. You’ve got to know EXACTLY whom you want to captivate to speak their language.
What’s your brand—the experience of working with you—all about? If you’re the high touch Tiffany of consultants, then you darned well need to look, act (and price yourself) accordingly. If you’re new to your field, focus on attracting clients and buyers who are in similar stages. You’ll learn together and you might just make friends for life.
What moves you? Integrating what genuinely excites and motivates you into your sales and marketing can take you from ordinary to extraordinary. Your life passions make us see—and care about—you beyond simply business. Potential clients are watching—especially on-line—for cues that you’re a real person. Don’t be surprised if they use use one as their tipping point to buy you vs. your look-alike competitors.
Who are you when nobody’s watching? Make no mistake, THAT’S who you really are. So if you are a dyed-in-the-wool introvert, don’t try selling yourself as a ball of fire. Instead, sell on YOUR virtues. Like asking great questions, providing can’t-get-it-anywhere-else thought leadership. Even the tiniest disconnects between what you say/do and who you really are sow seeds of distrust with your audience.
OK, now take your answers to these questions and walk yourself through literally every aspect of how you market and sell yourself—in-person and on-line. Think of it as a mini-audit.
Will your sweet-spot clients identify with your testimonials? Do you write your articles and blog posts with them firmly in mind? Will a quick landing on your website or social media PROVE that you are the perfect fit for them? And the clincher: does how you interact with them on all your platforms match how they’ll be treated once they’ve hired you?
Experiment with a few tweaks to master the unique art of selling you. If that doesn’t move the needle, well maybe it’s time we talk…
p.s. Like what you see here? Head on up to that orange bar to sign up pronto and I’ll deliver my weekly insights directly to your in-box.
Be genuine and true to yourself and your client. A post so on point Rochelle. And it makes me think and re-think (define/ re-define?) how and what I present (promo, market, etc.). A nice follow up to your Instant Authority seminar/ workshop that many others may glean from (and more!).
Thanks Corey!
You continually hit the mark with your weekly posts. I can’t imagine Monday’s without Rochelle.
This made me think and consider “me”. I have made it my calling card, so to speak, to reach out as a friend to those I have not sold; and maybe will never sell. That is who I am. I meet you. I like you. I want to stay friends sale or no sale. It is important to me when I am “on stage” and off. It never changes.
LOVE that you do that with your clients/never-clients Ed. It makes biz so much more fun and rewarding…
If I want to get to the next stage of my work, I have to make cold calls to agents and producers. I’m an introverted film writer, I have a huge passion for my work but I have a phone phobia and freeze with fear every time I try to reach out to that person I’ve done copious research on and I know if I could sell myself I would take my work to a new height. Any advice?
Thank you for reading Anna! Sounds like you’ve literally done all the right prep and the only thing stopping you is fear, right? I wrote about that here: and here: But at the risk of pointing out the obvious–you’re ready. The only thing stopping you is, well, you. The worst that can happen is someone says “no”. And that means you can move on to someone who says “yes”. Doesn’t your work DESERVE to get into the right hands? You can do this…