Let's start with this: Soloist Consultants rule

You heard that right: Soloist Consultants rule.

Having been an employee, a partner and a Soloist, I’m here to tell you soloism (is that even a word?) is hands-down the most fun and lucrative path IF your goal is to optimize making plenty of money with having the free time and flexibility to enjoy your life and make an impact.

But it’s not a slam dunk: you’ve got to zero in on your uniquely optimal formula to position, monetize and sell your expertise. 

Sometimes all you need are a few carefully chosen tweaks to lead you to your next revenue break-through. Other times it takes a dramatic overhaul.

Which is why those one-size-fits-all solutions the hustle bros push drive me nuts—you didn’t go solo to become a poor imitation, but a powerful original.

If that sounds appealing, here’s a bit about me…

As an authority on Soloist consulting businesses, I’ve been called everything from “an emotional Red Bull” to “the best synthesizer of ideas I’ve ever met” to “the consultant whisperer”.

Full disclosure: I didn’t start as a Soloist.

I studied business with engineers (snagging an MBA from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) and led introverted brainiacs at some powerhouse consulting firms: Towers Perrin and Arthur Andersen. I even re-built the failing consulting arm of a Fortune 500 company.

I wore the blue power suit AND the pearls. I pitched in Fortune 500 Boardrooms and I made global partner—at 31. But when I saw the twisty, soul-sucking machinations required to stay in the corner office, I put on my big girl panties and headed for the exit.

First stop: co-founding a break-out consulting firm of hyper-qualified MBA women working flexibly (60+ hour weeks filled with travel were verboten). Consultants and clients loved the model—and the Wall Street Journal called me a maverick.

The next move was selling the firm to Arthur Andersen (for seven figures) and teaching their tax partners to grow their sales while proving flexibility could work in a giant global firm.

All told, I’ve built three of my own firms from scratch—while advising Soloists and partnerships of wildly divergent personalities (those early years doing tumultuous M+A work taught me some mad people skills).

I not only “get” the consulting business from every angle, but I’ve spent my entire career translating big ideas into revenue and impact.

If we’re a fit, I’d be delighted to put my experience, wisdom and passion to work for you and your Soloist consulting business. Check out the options here