Meet your people. Grow your business.

Your Soloist consulting business is doing well by any objective standard. You’re earning a healthy six figures, transforming clients’ lives in the process.

But. You haven’t hit your “enough” button yet. You still see opportunity for more revenue, more free time, more flexibility, more impact.

You crave deeper, grittier conversations with your peers (and those a few steps ahead) to accelerate your progress. The kind where you’re each sharing, learning and leveling up.

Introducing The Soloist Consultant Roundtable.

Think artfully assembled, thoughtfully moderated—an intimate gathering with your peers. Up to 10 Soloist Consultants earning engaging in frank, illuminating conversations over an inspiring meal (because nothing breaks through barriers faster than breaking bread).

This Roundtable is designed for you, the B2B Soloist Consultant. I will carefully curate a group of non-competitive peers and facilitate the discussion to address the challenges—and opportunities—of growing an expertise business at this level.

The promise? Actionable ideas you can bring back and apply to your consulting business.

Join us at the Soloist Consultant Roundtable in Boston on September 18th, 2024 at the pasta table at Giulia.

To be eligible, you must serve B2B clients as a Soloist Consultant.

Investment: $1,000, due once your application has been approved. Apply now to reserve your spot.


Want to take full advantage of being in Boston with me? I’m holding two half-day or one full day private Strategy Session the following day (Thursday September 19th). Just mention your interest in your application and I’ll get back to you on availability.

About your Facilitator

I’m a business advisor to Soloist B2B consulting firms worldwide. I’ve helped hundreds of Soloist Consultants on three continents grow their revenue (typically by 2-5X) and their impact without resorting to an endless hustle model.

Before that, I led introverted brainiacs at two powerhouse consulting firms and turned around the failing consulting arm of a Fortune 500 company. All told, I’ve built three consulting firms from scratch—including selling one to Arthur Andersen for seven figures.

So I’ve dealt with every conceivable way to grow a consulting business and have made it my mission to help Soloist Consultants build what I call “wealth”: revenue, free time, flexibility and impact.

When it comes to small group facilitation, I built some mad skills in my years of consulting: from curating and facilitating learning groups to moderating warring factions (partner and client teams) to collaborate for the collective good.

The bottom line: my 1-1 and small group experiences are consistently rated as transformational.