Stepping Into The Spotlight
- June 6, 2016
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Audience Building, Speaking

It’s your turn.
And it doesn’t matter if you’ve done it 100 times or this is your first rodeo—stepping into the spotlight is a courageous act.
It requires letting go, trusting that you’ve done the work and are ready to share your brand of wisdom with an audience. It can be downright terrifying.
Maybe it’s a live speech on a physical stage in front of a gut-wrenchingly large audience. Or a virtual event where you’re silently praying that enough people will show up so you don’t feel like an idiot talking into the ether.
Or releasing your creation—from a controversial blog post to a new website to your first book—and you’d rather put spikes in your eyes than hit the “go” button.
Stepping into the spotlight often requires a giant gulp.
Even Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the mega-selling “Eat, Pray, Love”, isn’t immune. She writes touchingly in “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” of her angst in deciding how best to keep writing, knowing that outsized expectations were now attached to anything she produces.
Think of it this way.
When it comes to stepping into the spotlight, there are two kinds of people. Those that fly by the seat of their pants, focused mostly on the spotlight (the lazy). And those who do the work and sweat every aspect to ensure they’ve created something that is meaningful for their audience (the driven).
If you’re among the driven, chances are good that you are constitutionally unable to do less than your best (note: this isn’t about being perfect—that’s a no-win proposition). You’ve asked the right questions, done your homework, thought about your audience. Could your “baby” be improved? No doubt.
But it isn’t until you release it that you give it the air you both need.
To invite comments and new thinking.
To connect you with your tribe.
To put another brick in your path to becoming the exceptional speaker, writer, presenter, business creator, author or thinker that you have within you.
Because until you release your baby, you’ll never teach, inspire or touch your audience in the way only you can.
So what do you say—won’t you step into the spotlight?
p.s. Like what you see here? Head on up to that orange bar to sign up pronto and I’ll deliver my weekly insights directly to your in-box.
Thanks, Rochelle. I needed to hear this today. I am working with a big, new client this month and this is a push in the right direction.
I am also reading Big Magic. I get what it means to be fearful of not living up to past success… but that’s all back there and we’re all living here. Forward we go!
You go Gregg!
I always believe in preparation and I make that case to clients; we call it “prep” and it remains important to impart to them the same principles for their “appearances.”
What I find interesting is how despite prep” (or is it because of it), you may find a need to not follow your script and adapt. I found that the case with my last presentation and received excellent feedback. The downside, I do not believe it was taped; I really look to turn my presentations into blogs to get more bank for the buck.
EXACTLY Corey–going off script to go in tune with your audience is the bomb! Good on you…