You Lost Me At Hello
- October 15, 2012
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Personal Brand
I admit it. Twitter has spoiled me for concise—witty even—well-formulated missives. And it has probably spoiled you and your clients and readers.
So why do we labor over tweets (which mostly disappear in a nanosecond) and Facebook posts and yet still press send on lame, boring emails?
For the next week, I challenge each of us to put the same thought into mission-critical client and prospect emails that we do into our social media posts.
Here’s a few options (feel free to post your adds to the list) to experiment with:
Got a sticky situation to explain? Try an analogy, the more visual the better—I once worked with a guy who could take any situation and relate it to a famous movie scene. “You know, that sounds a lot like that scene in the Producers where…” Clients loved it—thinking of themselves as a movie character depersonalized their problem and made it more fun to solve.
Send a photo or an illustration or a video link (under 2 minutes generally), provided it is directly, unerringly on point. An Instagram moment could just seal the deal.
Try some humor—just remember a little goes a long way. I once couldn’t get a client to respond to my emails or calls. Exasperated, I decided to try a little humor (and yes, it worked marvelously):
Dear Sherry:
I haven’t heard back from you and do need your comments before we can finalize your marketing piece. Please check the box that best applies:
I would rather eat nails than look at this piece one more time—publish the %&^$# thing!
I’ve been in outer Mongolia hiking mountains without internet. I will respond tomorrow, I promise.
OMG! Have I not answered you on this? What was I thinking? Call me this instant!
Go ahead. Have a little fun experimenting. As long as your focus is on improving communication with the receiver, you’ll have them at hello.
Great and to the point. I can labor over certain emails for just the reasons you outline. Just never articulated why.
Bottom line, to paraphrase James Carville: “It’s the message, stupid.”
Thanks Corey–and for the James Carville quote
I love your humorous “options”… I tried a little humour once… And it so worked!
Would like to play with the movie scenarios a bit more… That could be fun!
And yes… I love the idea of making sure that our emails are filled with brevity… After all, we’re all busy and inundated!
Welcome Emma–thanks for your thoughts on this!
fun fun fun.
And the headline – great job! I’m in