Your Bio Needs A Makeover If…
- April 9, 2018
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Marketing + Selling, Personal Brand

Yep, it’s time to tackle overhauling your bio if any of these nine statements feel even the least little bit true:
You’re embarrassed to refer anyone to it (this includes social media mini bios and those dreadful trade association summaries).
The last time any potential client complimented you on it was…never.
It hasn’t brought a single client begging for your services in the last twelve months.
It’s not written in the first person.
It’s too long (hint: every reader wants your bio to be shorter).
You’ve identified yourself as a “best selling author”, “visionary” or “world renowned” anything (unless you are verifiably so).
You’ve got a slash bio, as in Consultant/Speaker/Author/Ping Pong Champion.
You don’t have a snappy one-sentence version to use when brevity and wit matter most.
If you covered up your name, a handful (or more) of your competitors could claim it.
Bio writing is even MORE challenging beyond your website (which is the one place where you can take the time and space to tell your story, your way).
Social media and depleted attention spans demand short, impactful and memorable.
Anything else doesn’t register.
So how’s yours stack up?
If you’re ready to tackle an upgrade, go here for my tips on giving your bio the makeover you both deserve.
p.s. Like what you see here? Head on up to that orange bar to sign up pronto and I’ll deliver my weekly insights directly to your in-box.
Wonderful and spot-on advice that all should follow. Almost every time I open my website all of the above sensibilities operate “behind the scenes” as I go to my site, perhaps to copy and paste a link to a post elsewhere in a comment, share in an email, etc. I often find myself repeating the bio advise to others. As to the multi-purpose advisor approach I find myself sharing that to many I encounter (and both examples I always mention Rochelle by name.).
Thank you for your thoughts Corey!