Exploring vs. Leading

  • Category: PodcastRunning Your Business

Note: We’re planning a special episode for #150 and you can have a chance to participate! Just record your question (QuickTime is great for this), send it to RM@rochellemoulton.com and if it’s chosen, Jonathan and I will play your question and answer it on the show.

Jonathan and I both happened to listen to the same Derek Sivers interview on leading vs. exploring and we just had to go there.

What’s the difference between the two and how can you build authority on either path? Join us here as we cover:

Evaluating the continuum from leading (like say thought leadership) to exploring in your space.

How to know when to explore vs. when to lead.

When “busy” feels productive, but is instead keeping you in exactly the same position—neither exploring nor leading.

Deciding where on the exploring vs. leading continuum you want to be (for now).

Making choices to give you quick wins while still playing the long game.

Listen to the episode here.