Cash vs. Speed

  • Category: Running Your Business

Where could you trade cash for speed?

Here’s a test: how often do you use something you dislike as an excuse for doing something that really matters?

“Sorry, I’m too busy balancing my books, evaluating billing software, cleaning out my sock drawer” to…write that article, rethink your website, make that new business call.

THAT’s when it’s time to trade cash for speed.

So unless you’re a CPA, you shouldn’t be doing your own taxes. If you’re not a graphics designer, ditto on your logo and web design.

And don’t even think of learning WordPress just to save a few bucks on technology.

There is a parallel rule to this: don’t hire a pal (or your kid) to do your website just because they’re getting started with digital marketing. Your website will reek of amateurism.

Spend some coin on the right stuff. Maybe even serious coin.

Think of it as an investment. It’s giving yourself permission to grow faster AND love more of what you do.