Inspiring (Personal) Brand Love
- April 14, 2014
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Brand + Design, Personal Brand

My husband LOVES Disneyland.
We live an hour away, so we’ve gone many times since moving to Southern California. But this visit was extra-special.
We stopped in the store on the way in to buy him a Mickey shirt and the clerk asked “Are you celebrating a special occasion?”
We walked out with a giant button that said “Happy Birthday Harvey”, which my 5-year old wrapped in an adult body was pleased to wear with pride.
It started at the entrance—when greeters said “Happy Birthday Harvey”. And then Mickey himself was there to pose for a picture with the birthday boy (Mickey doesn’t speak, but his handler certainly did). All day long and well into the night, employees—cast members—and random guests smiled wherever we went and wished him “Happy Birthday Harvey”.
They made him feel—amidst thousands of other guests—special. Like his happiness and enjoyment mattered. He was beaming all day long.
The marketer in me was mesmerized.
Because isn’t that what we are all after? To give your client an experience he will remember forever and that bonds you even more tightly?
It’s got to be built into your DNA. To be so much a part of you, that it’s a natural extension of your relationship.
The late Tim Russert (a big family guy) gave onesies embroidered with the name of their newborn to all his friends and colleagues.
My virtual assistant—known for her deep enmeshment in the lives of her clients—sent me flowers on the first anniversary of our working together.
A search consultant gave every candidate he placed a “wonder book” to capture each time they asked themselves in their new job “I wonder why they ____”.
The beauty of inspiring personal brand love is that it doesn’t need to be—indeed shouldn’t be—complicated.
It’s from your heart to theirs.
Go for the love.
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Has to be part of your DNA. Love that Rochelle.
You and the brand must be authentic. Clients need to believe this is real you.
My intention is to create an experience where the client says they’d be out of their mind to do business with anyone but me.
LOVE that Steve–thanks for the add!
Really like Steve’s last statement.
Happy Birthday to Harvey!
Sometimes the gift or thoughtfulness involves something peculiar to the client; perhaps something you (or few others of their) professional colleagues know to do.
My m.o. often involves sharing useful info.
Hey thanks Corey! And passing on the b’day wishes…
Rochelle, I too love Disneyland. As a corporation I find Disney quite scary, but the Disneyland Experience is one of the ultimate examples of creating a WOW experience consistently, for thousands of people, 365 days a year – each of which is willing and happy to part with many hard-earned dollars to experience it.
We have a friend that works there – it was always her dream – she started at a counter, and then graduated to being a character in a suit, and then graduated to being Snow White in the parade, and now she manages the characters – and she loves going to work every day.
Little known fact: Did you know that they STEAM CLEAN the streets in the park EVERY NIGHT? Every night. It’s all the stuff behind the scenes that you don’t even see that make it such an amazing place.
Hi George,
Thanks for that great story–isn’t it inspiring when someone lives their passion every day?