Even Wildly Successful Consultants Have To Cull The Herd From Time To Time
- July 21, 2021
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Client Relationships, Running Your Business

A wildly successful consultant (his revenue and happiness are off the charts) said this to me recently: “Every non-ideal client I take on means I’m diluting my impact on the people I care most about.”
And the thing is, as you grow your book of business, there inevitably will be a client or two—maybe even more than a few—who you wouldn’t touch if the choice were right in front of you today.
Which is why I’m a big fan of periodically culling the herd.
Being able to say buh-bye to the clients and buyers who set your teeth on edge is a gift to both of you.
You get to be happier, with more impact and better (for you) clients. And your non-ideal clients get their freedom to pair up with someone who’s a better fit for their situation.
So why does pretty much everyone hesitate when it comes time to show a client the door?
Because we’re human.
We worry about the hit to our revenue. Or we shy away from conflict (hint: saying goodbye can be done drama free). Maybe we think we should be able to help anyone and so we need to just suck it up.
But all of those pale in comparison to why you need to let your non-ideal clients and buyers go.
If you’re not working with clients who energize and inspire you, growing your business will feel like drudgery.
While spending your days serving ideal clients—those you’re passionate about—will make working a joy.
Drudgery or joy?
Seems like a pretty obvious choice…
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