And The Winner Is…
- October 22, 2012
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Running Your Business
Last week I got to cheer on my pal Sarah as she accepted the “Women of Achievement” award from the Chamber of Commerce.
Watching these wonderful women be publicly feted for their success and good works reminded me that we all need a pat on the back now and then.
Most especially if you work solo.
You deserve the occasional award for meritorious behavior, even if you do have to present the award to, ahem, yourself. Here’s a few ideas to get you rolling….
You demanded to be paid what you’re worth—and the client replaced you with someone cheaper. But guess what? Your replacements sucked and your fans DEMANDED your return. You didn’t gloat (well, at least not publicly) and all is right in the world again.
You made the same mistake about 60 times, but FINALLY figured it out and hired yourself a driver. Or the right assistant. Hey, you changed your M.O.—sometimes it just takes a few (or a hundred) hard knocks to get there. Isn’t that worth celebrating?
You had a big dream (writing, speaking, creating art). But you kept back-burnering it for something more pragmatic. Like paying the mortgage. And then you decided to do it. Slaved away, even when the naysayers said it wouldn’t amount to anything. Here’s to you for believing in yourself. (And who knows? Maybe you’ll reap some of the roughly $20 million the book has earned E. L. James so far. )
But don’t let this list limit you. Sit yourself down and congratulate yourself for your proudest accomplishment in 2012. Put on the tiara, accept the giant silver cup, perfect the royal wave.
And if you’re feeling frisky, share your favorite self-award here.
I actually think that gatherings of 10 – 20 professional women who are also friends, and giving out awards for things we know we have done particularly well this year could be a very fun event.
This year I finally figured out a way to charge for information I used to give away as part of my old working model. I still give things away (I am not a Grinch), but seldom anything that will have someone else make a fortune. For that I now charge.
What a great idea K.C.! That could be very fun…..
thank you Rochelle.I will give myself the Lindsay Lohan award after I stop crying and typing. I love your blog.
Eddie Glickman
Aw, thanks Eddie. You will make a great LL
How about The Cat Herder Award for successfully getting upper management to buy into a project and provide resources for execution? Not that I speak from personal experience on that!
Sounds to me like you won the award Nancy (wink, wink).
I have been unable to respond the way I wanted. Some modifications to my website remain outstanding as a website I need to link to that remains outside my control remains down (probably Sandy related). As to my proudest achievement, there still remains a few weeks and perhaps something might trump turning a project client into a permanent one. But the award for that — rather simple — Making A Difference. That awards represents what I seek to do for my clients and their issues.