The Key To Choosing Your Niche: What Are You THE Best At?
- August 25, 2020
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Niching, Positioning

When you’re struggling to figure out the dimensions of your niche, there is one critical question to consider:
What are you THE best at?
Or, if you’re still early in your expertise-building, you might re-phrase and ask yourself: What am I willing to commit to being THE best at?
Let’s define niche for this purpose: your niche is the marketplace position you carve out for yourself.
Which means you’ll need to define how you’re best at something a specific market (your target clients and buyers) cares a lot about.
The how you’re best is partly your specific blend of experiences, training and talent (that’s why how you tell your story matters), but what truly moves your audience is how that combination creates outsized transformations for them.
So to choose the right niche, you’ll need to uncover what you are the absolute best at—what no one else can deliver exactly like you.
Without letting any imposter syndrome or misplaced humility get in the way.
What are you absolutely committed to being the best at?
What niche audience do you care so much about that you’re willing to learn everything there is to know about their wants, needs, dreams, desires, fears and challenges?
What area of expertise can you imagine happily working at for years to come that will meaningfully change the lives of your best audience?
What specific challenges and opportunities get you revved up so that you’ll take action, even when it’s hard. No, especially when it’s hard?
What kinds of people, problems and situations bring out the best in you?
When can you work in huge chunks of flow, where your best talents are creating transformations that literally make you sing with joy?
Sure, you can make choosing your niche an exercise in anxiety, constantly wondering if your tinkering is working.
Or you can be bold.
You can reach into yourself and take action towards the market segment where you will shine.
And guess what? When you double down into what you’re exceptional at, at what challenges you to bring your best to the table, you’ll be firmly on the path to owning your niche.
Match that right positioning with a supportive business model and you can make a damned fine living doing what speaks to you.
And isn’t that why you decided to build a business instead of being on someone’s payroll?
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