The Power Of Authority Granted By Your Allies

  • Category: SellingTribe Building

On-line market authority in our niche is an asset we’re constantly building as we seek to serve our slice of the world.

The goal? To bypass much of the selling and selection process and go right to clients and buyers knowing we’re the perfect choice.

But there is another kind of authority that is just as precious—and that’s the authority granted by those who’ve worked with you.

Those folks aren’t usually impressed by your marketing content—in fact they may not have ever read it.

Instead, they’re rating you based on what it’s like to get into the ring with you, doing the work together.

Just this week I needed a photographer in San Francisco to do a shoot for an east coast client. I didn’t know anyone who had the style we wanted, so I emailed a local designer I’d worked with on another project (I liked his eye and was impressed with his working style).

He immediately sent over two referrals, one of which was absolutely what I was looking for.

If I’d found her on my own, it would have taken hours with google (or social media) since there simply aren’t good keywords for this particular search.

And she wouldn’t have come with a built-in seal of approval.

The referral saved me a chunk of time, will make our mutual client (and me) very happy and no doubt further build the relationship between designer and photographer.

Which begs the question: do you keep your allies “warm” by staying in touch? The results could surprise you…