Should You Consult Outside Your Authority Sweet-Spot?

  • Category: Niching

When I had a thorny residential real estate problem, I called my acquaintance Kevin. Although he’s a commercial real estate deal lawyer halfway across the country, I called him first, knowing he would point me in the right direction.

Instead, he spent an hour with me, asking questions and offering excellent, insightful advice. He refused my offer to pay him—and promised to refer me when I was ready to act.

He checked in occasionally—still not on the clock—and gave me pointers. When it was time to engage, I knew it was Kevin I must work with.

Was that his plan? No. Was I his sweet-spot client? No. Did he charge me what he charged his giant commercial clients? No.

I’m sure if I were his business coach, I’d have advised against taking me on.

But here’s what’s interesting. Despite all that, he went all in, fought for me, believed in my cause and made me laugh when I wanted to rip someone’s throat out.

He treated me as though my problem was every bit as worthy as his typical deep-pocketed clients.

In the end we triumphed. Now he is—and probably always will be—the first person I recommend when someone asks me for a commercial real estate lawyer.

The moral of this story: it’s not the smartest decision to consult outside your sweet-spot, but if you do, go all in.

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