Make Your Own Rules with Heather Whelpley

We tend to live by a set of unconscious rules that we’ve inherited—from our families, our culture, the media and more. But when they keep you tethered to a way of life that isn’t serving your highest good? Award-winning author, speaker and podcast host Heather Whelpley says it’s time to make your own rules.

Together, we unpack:

The four types of rules we have “inherited” from outside forces and how they play out in our lives.

How to become conscious of the rules you’ve internalized and adopted—and start testing whether they are actually true.

The relationship between culturally expected perfection and imposter syndrome.

The role of “breaks”—big and small—in creating opportunities to understand, challenge and change the rules you’ve been living by.

How to start—and stick with—making your own rules to expand your business and your life.



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Heather Whelpley is a speaker, award-winning author of Grounded Wildness: Break Free From Performing Your Life and Start Living It and An Overachiever’s Guide To Breaking The Rules, and host of the Grounded Wildness podcast. She works with women to break free from perfect and create their own rules for life.

Heather has spoken to thousands of people across the US and internationally on topics like discovering your authentic voice, creating your own rules for success, and imposter syndrome. Prior to starting her business, she spent over a decade in human resources and managing leadership development programs for high-achieving women at Fortune 500 companies in the US, Australia, and Latin America.

Her first book, An Overachiever’s Guide To Breaking The Rules, has won multiple awards, including gold medals from the Next Generation Indie Book Awards and Living Now Book Awards as well as being named a finalist for the First Horizon Book Award for first-time authors. Her second book, Grounded Wildness, was published in October 2023 and was an instant Amazon bestseller. Heather lives in Colorado where she spends as much time hiking and exploring as possible.



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