Sometimes all you need is the right guide to flip the switch.

Consulting Session

You’re stuck.

Maybe it’s on a big thorny question—why isn’t my marketing or sales strategy working? How can I raise my fees or repackage my options? Should I start/ditch a service line or launch a new product?

Or on a smaller but meaty challenge—my proposal hit rate is too low, so how about a teardown/rebuild of my next consulting proposal? How can I revamp my messaging to attract my ideal client? If I kick a set of deadbeat clients to the curb, how do I replace the revenue?

We’ll spend a tightly focused, highly productive hour together—and yes, you can send me links and documents ahead of time. If you like, I’ll record the call and send it to you afterwards.

We’ll fast-track you to UN-stuck.
Your Investment: $1,000*


After your payment is processed, you’ll be directed to my on-line calendar to set up our call.

*My personal guarantee: If at the conclusion of our call you feel that you didn’t get the value you expected, simply let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.