Acing your first year with Jacqui Miller

That first year after leaving corporate life can be tricky—do you say yes to most every opportunity or niche immediately and start saying no? Strategic communicator Jacqui Miller aced (by any measure) her first year as a Soloist and describes how she made it happen:

The surprising first thing she did when leaving her corporate job to start her expertise business.

Why she made the decision to niche right away—and then continued to niche down even more.

How she decides which clients to take on and which to refer (and why she’s a big believer in creating a circle of complementary professionals).

What to do when you hit an inflection point in your career/business where you’re “not practicing at the top of your license”.

The communication strategies that expanded her impact and relationships.



Jacqui Miller Website | LinkedIn | On Thought Leadership

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Jacqui is a communications professional with over 15 years of experience in early-stage and high-complexity businesses. Previously, she led communications at PillPack, a digital pharmacy, from the first customer through its $1 billion acquisition by Amazon. She’s also launched moonshots at Google X, and helped bring to market the first genomic tumor test for personalized cancer treatment at Foundation Medicine.

Today, she works alongside founding teams to take the long view on communications as an executive function. Her philosophy is that the best PR strategy is ultimately just running a thoughtful business.



10 Ways To Grow Revenue As A Soloist (Without Working More Hours): most of us have been conditioned to work more when we want to grow revenue—but what if we just worked differently?

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