Should You Really Promote Yourself As A Multi-Hyphenate?
- March 26, 2018
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Marketing + Selling

So it’s official.
The multi-hyphenate has moved from fad to an actual thing (when it hits the Oxford Dictionary, I figure it’s here to stay).
Which probably means we’ll keep seeing more of the Life Coach-Storyteller-Media Maven-Photographer-Dog Walker types.
Or worse.
But being a well-rounded person is a wonderful thing—and building your interests and passions into your personal branding for your business is pretty much always the right move.
The challenge?
They don’t belong in your title (even on social media) or your war stories of the results you’ve won for your clients.
Because when your sweet-spot clients are out looking for solutions, they aren’t searching on your ancillary skills.
They’re going for the pro that has solved the same big hairy problems for others just like them.
So why not make it easy for your dream clients to find, trust and embrace you?
I once worked with a highly talented Fortune 500 executive coach with some serious credentials. She was stuck in her business development and asked for a little coaching.
Her problem? She had a high close rate once in front of her C-suite target, but couldn’t seem to get past their HR gatekeepers.
The first thing we did was skinny down her LinkedIn and website description: Executive Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Author, Business Futurist.
The mere presence of anything that didn’t narrow that Executive Coach descriptor wasn’t just wasted space—it actively repelled her ideal audience.
The experts who vet Fortune 500 C-suite coaches don’t trust the lack of gravitas implied in that title.
It’s all just a tad too desperate, don’t you think?
Instead, you want to save the prime space for your biggest, baddest message and results.
Niche down on your expertise.
Tell the war stories your sweet-spot clients need to hear to know that you’re the real deal.
And THEN build in your personal awesomeness—and yes, that even includes the quirks.
We love the quirks—they make you human and connect us.
And, they break through the very real barrier of trying to decide from a website or social profile if you’re worth talking to.
Tell us about—or better yet SHOW us—your black and white nature photography.
Your road to becoming a sommelier or a cheese wrangler or a weekend beer brewer.
Your love for rats or lizards or bees.
Hey—there is a tribe for everyone.
Just make sure you lead with WHY you’re worthy of being hired to solve the big bold problems your clients pay you the big bucks for.
Everything else is gravy.
p.s. Like what you see here? Head on up to that orange bar to sign up pronto and I’ll deliver my weekly insights directly to your in-box.
Just love this approach. It made me run to click on my open website to make sure my pitch fits your recommmendation. Specificity and focus I find important and look for in assessing others.