Why You Want To Plan Your Time In These Three Ways
- July 26, 2023
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Mindset, Running Your Business

Your time is everything—it’s your one non-renewable resource that also happens to dictate how your future self turns out.
How you spend it is a window into how well (or not) you are setting yourself up to take your business and yourself where you most want to go.
With a head nod to Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan who riffed on three different types of days in their latest book, I offer you three blocks of time to build your expertise business: Genius, Build and Free.
GENIUS: the time you spend within your genius zone—doing those things that only you can do at the highest possible level. It’s typically when you’re actively designing, advising, writing, speaking or thinking—either with clients, prospects or solo (and time flies like magic).
BUILD: the time you spend growing your client/audience base and running your business. You’re talking with future clients and buyers, connecting with allies and doing or overseeing those activities (outside your genius zone) to build the business.
FREE: You. Are. Not. Working.
There is a school of thought that we “should” devote whole days to each of these—but plenty of successful experts and authorities design their time around their optimal working style vs. a rigid schedule.
I tend to allot half-days for each category (unless I’m working on a big creative project), roping off the weekends for 100% free time (I’ve added GENIUS TIME to my calendar to remind me of my highest, best work).
Bonus: genius time is so much fun, I can pretty much guarantee that once you start carving out the time, you’ll make it a priority to create still more.
Like saying no to work that just isn’t cutting it (offloading it, referring it out or just going cold turkey).
And, if you’re a fan of stacking—not gonna lie, I love it—you can use your calendar to funnel meeting types into specific stacks so you can be even more productive within your genius and build time. Think stacks for interviews, get-to-know-you and sales discovery calls.
Have I convinced you yet?
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