Why Wouldn’t You Hire Help?
- July 24, 2023
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Podcast, Running Your Business

We’ve all been there: you have a client who wants what you’re supremely good at doing. You’ll save them time and add confidence that the job will be done well with outstanding results.
And yet they decide to DIY instead. Why? And can you change the outcome?
Jonathan and I share a few real-life examples of client decision making in the wild, discussing:
How it feels when clients have several choices, but don’t trust any of them to bring them reliably to their finish line.
The perceived experience and control clients feel from a DIY solution (that they don’t completely trust they’ll get from you).
How to make it easier for certain clients to either hire you or drop out earlier in the process.
What goes through clients’ heads as they consider spending money for your services/outcomes.
“Once you make that decision and you pick the horse, you’re riding that horse to the end.”—JS
“Just because you decided to do it yourself doesn’t mean that you know what’s behind the walls.”—RM
“There’s no way for a non-expert to judge the capabilities of the expert.”—JS
“You consciously chose this because it was a better perceived experience for you than the level of unknown with hiring somebody to do it.”—RM
“All of the decision-making processes that kept us paralyzed turned out in retrospect to have been unfounded.”—JS
“Sometimes when you (bring in additional team members), it allows you to make a different promise to your client and make it easier for them to hire you.”—RM