This Is The Time For Magical Thinking

If ever there was a time for magical thinking, this is surely it.

2020 has been a year for the record books and yet…

When so much profound change hits our world, it leaves an opening to consider how we want the next part of our lives to go.

May the upcoming more intimate and quiet holidays bring you the gift of magical thinking.

May you suspend belief about limitations and start making your dreams come true.

May you lift up one other person (or thousands) with your special brand of wisdom and caring.

May you keep working to make the positive change in the world that only you can.

May you have an entire year of magical thinking.

Thank you for spending your time in this challenging year to read, listen and connect with me. I learn from you every day and am deeply grateful for your lively participation and generous spirit.

Wishing you all the joy, peace—and yes, magical thinking—that you can possibly imagine.

See you back here in 2021…




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