No, Not Everyone Can Be A _________

  • Category: Authority Mindset

Contrary to this article, not anyone can be a coach. Or a consultant. Or an advisor.

It takes skills, it takes practice, it takes a commitment to listening, truth-telling, applying a specific expertise and delivering excellence.

It is NOT a casual thing, most especially when—like the life coaching Denning describes—someone’s very life is at stake.

And when we deal with organizations instead?

We’re potentially messing with hundreds, thousands or even hundreds of thousands of lives. There is no room for anyone less than an expert or a committed expert-in-the-making, constantly honing their craft.

Not anyone can be a ____________(insert your specialty).

This is why building authority is so essential. The act of learning, of practicing, of publishing content as you keep growing in expertise.

To ensure no one ever mistakes you for the gazillion other people in your field.

Or the dilettante who thinks anyone can step into your shoes.

Rant over.