The Wisdom Of Taking A Break

When you run your own business, no one is going to tell you to take a break. And it can be mighty tempting to just keep attacking your work without worrying about the need for a time out.
Join us as we discuss short, medium and long-term breaks. How to get them, why we need them and a few ideas to get the most out of your time away.
-“I’m not a big fan of vacations.”—JS
-“We need a break from sitting on our butts using our brains.”—RM
-“Boredom is basically gone.”—JS
-“Both the mind and the body need breaks.”—RM
-“I’m not anti technology. I’m pro breaks.”—RM
-“It’s about exercising a different mental muscle, or emotional muscle, or muscle muscle.”—JS
-“If you don’t know what to do to recharge your batteries, experiment.”—RM
-“You have to give yourself breaks, because nobody is going to do it for you.”—RM
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