Positioning For Soloists

Last week we had a no-holds barred chat with author/tech product positioning expert April Dunford. If you haven’t caught it yet, you’ll find it here (don’t miss her explanation of her own journey building an authority business).
But we thought there was still more to cover—like for instance, how do you position people (vs. products), especially soloists?
Listen in as Jonathan and I walk through April’s ten-step positioning process, zeroing in on your point of view, your experiences and your clients’ alternatives (a new way to think about your “competition”).
“I think what happens a lot of time when soloists struggle with this is that there hasn’t been a deliberate defining of that market.” –RM
“People either get you energized, or they suck it out of you.” –RM
“You want to take financial advice from Warren Buffet, not your buddy who blows his whole paycheck on Keno.” –JS
“If you’ve got some feature or attribute that is unique between you and the alternatives that someone might choose, you still need to translate it for your buyer, who is not your peer.” –JS