Building Trust In Trying Times with Charles Green

When Jonathan and I saw a post on the Trust Matters blog about maintaining focus and building trust during the current situation, we knew we had to have Charles Green back on the show.
He didn’t disappoint: the author of The Trusted Advisor talked about why all of us are feeling more emotional right now and how acknowledging that (and leaning into it) can help you build intimacy with your clients.
Join us as Charlie shows us how to make generous offers (including risky gifts), the “right” way to sell right now and why leading from our highest selves is still our best investment.
“You need to pay attention to the fact that our emotional lives are front and center—raw edges, band aids ripped off—that needs to be acknowledged in our interactions with our clients.” –CG
“This is a fantastic time to reach out and have a deep discussion with your clients—not only to give advice…but to connect.” –CG
“Get over your damned self and pay attention to others’ freak out.” –CG
“The way you generate short-term revenue is with long-term behavior.” –CG