How To Channel The Right Amount Of Repetition Into Your Business Model
- January 24, 2023
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Running Your Business

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When you decided to start your business, your first decision probably wasn’t ”Hey, let’s make every day the same!”
More likely, you left the traditional workforce to forge your own path—to discover how interesting and deeply rewarding you could make your work (and your life).
The problem?
Most of us need just enough repetition in our business model to create traction but not so much that we find ourselves on another hamster wheel.
Which means finding the truly important things you do that work—and doing them over and over again in the right doses while still allowing space for something even better.
Let’s say you design a service that is steadily building traction—instead of constantly tweaking it, try working with it as is for a while.
Find the groove that allows you to define a few repeatable steps—maybe even outsourcing some—so you can build a sustainable revenue source.
Once that service is on firm ground—with a steady pipeline of leads and repeatable processes—then you can turn your attention to the next thing.
Sidebar: if we’re talking courses or memberships, you can build a crazy amount of leverage if you stick with the right concept long enough to make it pay off.
Repetition is both the curse and the pot of gold in running your authority business.
There’s a certain amount of repetition you’ll need to embrace to make your business sustainable. The good news is you can do this without working outside your genius zone.
One of my clients has only two revenue streams that support each other: a one-time strategy development workshop that he performs himself and an ongoing advisory service that 30-50% of his assessment clients purchase.
That’s a mid-six figure, highly profitable business based on only two repeating processes, leaving him almost half his time to invest in his other interests.
My point is this: you don’t have to constantly invent new offerings for your audience or burn down everything that you’ve built when you get bored or frustrated.
You just have to find the one or two repeatable things—the levers—that will power your revenue and fund your mission.
Which means you’ll have plenty of time—and money—to keep exploring what intrigues you.
Don’t be afraid of repetition. Use it to get yourself where you want to go.
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