You Hit The Finish Line On Your Big Project—Now What?

There is something about finishing what we start that feels so satisfying.

It’s a lifecycle—with a beginning, middle and end. If you work on projects, this is a natural way of life.

When you’re awash in the glow that comes from completing a loooong client project, you want to enjoy it—prolong it even.

But eventually—if you haven’t got another thing lined up—you’ll hit the post-project blues.

What will you work on next, having flung so much of yourself into THIS project? How long will you sit on the bench waiting for someone to choose you again?

Must you suffer in the world of projects?

Uh, no.

Not when you always KNOW there will be another big project. Maybe you don’t know when, you don’t know who, but you’re confident it will come.

That feeling—and let’s face it, it is a feeling, not a certainty—is crucial to allow yourself the respite you need to be ready for your next thing.

So you can relax and enjoy the glow for a bit without sweating what comes next.

The secret? Never allowing yourself to forget that your current project isn’t your only work. You’ve got to build yourself a revenue model that anticipates the highs and lows of living “in the projects”.

A revenue model that gives you the space—financial and emotional—to do your very best work for clients who float your boat.

Think of it as routinely being in build mode: new relationships, new ideas, new conversations, new content. It’s what keeps your next big project—that you often can’t even see yet—on a slow simmer.

Knowing that the right next thing is just around the corner gives you the confidence to embrace big projects AND the silence in between.

p.s. Like what you see here? Head on up to that orange bar to sign up pronto and I’ll deliver my weekly insights directly to your in-box.

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