When Your Mental Success Model Gets In Your Way

Here is one inescapable fact when it comes to your business: until your mental success model (your belief in what is possible for you) aligns with your actions, you’ll keep falling short of your potential.

It’s the difference between playing lead guitar on a big stage and busking for quarters from folks just trying to get to the pub behind you.

We all have mental blocks on what we believe is achievable:

I can’t break $____________ (insert your current revenue plateau).

I can’t charge for my speaking (even though I packed the room).

I can’t switch my ideal client profile (because niching down will shut down other options).

Or maybe that voice in your head is spouting something even more basic: I’m too young, too old, too fat, too thin, too experienced, not experienced enough, yada, yada, yada.

Our brains are full of this kind of crap—we’re far crueler to ourselves than we would ever consider being with our fellow humans.

So we get busy being—and doing—small, because it feels safe:

We try a dozen scattershot tactics that inch us forward instead of a clear strategy that launches us firmly on the path we most desire.

We ignore that voice that says go big and instead play small ball, doing more of what has failed to move the needle.

We sit on that simmering idea until someone not nearly as right picks it up and runs with it (and then we beat ourselves up for not acting sooner).

Safe pretty much never equals great.

The thing is, even smart, talented, looks-like-they-got-it-all-together folks sometimes hit a mindset block. They get past it by working at it, like exercising a muscle.

The more you exercise your mindset, the stronger it gets.

And the more you believe is possible for you, the more concrete actions you’ll take to get there.

Which means if you’ve hit a plateau or set point in your business, working on those mental blocks might just be the ticket to blasting past them…

p.s. if you’re interested in making 2025 your year, just hit REPLY and let’s talk about where you’re ready to go (I’m working on some new budget-friendly offerings, so don’t be shy 😉).

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