The One Thing That Has To Be True When You Want To Sell More
- August 13, 2024
- Posted by: Rochelle
- Category: Mindset, Positioning

We know that being good at selling starts with how you think about it (that’s why last time I shared 8 different statements to help re-wire your thinking).
But there’s an even deeper question, especially when it’s your own expertise that you’re selling:
Do you believe that what you’re selling right now is the best thing you could possibly be selling?
If you’re like: “Well, duh, of course it is, that’s why I freaking love my work”, then just hit delete right now and save yourself a minute or two.
But if your first reaction was to pause thoughtfully (or go all deer-in-the-headlights), stick with me…
Let’s say you’re thinking “No—this is not the best thing I could be selling. What I REALLY want to deliver is ______________.”
Then your only job is to get yourself to ______________.
Whatever that takes.
Even the tiny choices—if that’s all you can make right now—tell your deepest self (and your universe) that you’re ready for more.
But what if you don’t know the best thing for you to be selling right now?
If you’re new to this and you’re still experimenting—keep going!
But if you’ve been at this for a while AND you know what you’re selling isn’t working for you, it’s time to step up.
To transfer the energy you’ve been spending on selling the wrong thing to figuring out exactly your next right thing.
Because if you don’t push yourself to get out of the cage you’ve built for yourself, who will?
p.s. If you’re ready for help re-thinking, re-positioning and re-packaging your services and products, check out my done-for-you service here.