How To Pivot

What do you do when you want to experiment with a new idea or new direction while keeping your core business running along smoothly?
You pivot. Whether that means a full-on change or simply a smaller shift in direction, there’s a way to do it without exploding what’s already working for you.
Listen in as Jonathan and I cover how to start marketing a new idea without losing your current clients—getting the right people on your side, being realistic about what clients notice (and what they never will) and building confidence in your idea.
“You don’t want to be locked into your own success. You want to be able to go out and do something different.” –RM
“All you need is like a magnifying glass, focus your energy, and boom! It’s on fire.” –JS
“If you’re helping people, you will make money. It’s like a law, almost.” –JS
“If you’re worried about changing your website without confusing your current clients, remember that unless you’ve got a membership site, your clients aren’t visiting your website.” –RM