Escaping Execution

Moving from an execution role to a strategic one can be tricky, especially if you’re up to your eyeballs in hands-on work.
But since the potential benefits are enormous, Jonathan and I are tackling how to escape working strictly on execution:
Transitioning from execution to strategy, including setting up the right boundaries (hint: it’s a process).
Recognizing the warning signs that you’re sliding down the slope in the value chain—from strategy back into execution.
Adopting the mindset required to fully make the shift from execution to strategy.
Setting client expectations and managing boundaries.
Positioning yourself in your client’s mind as the strategist.
“A lot of the struggle is: how much strategy do I do, how much execution do I do and where do I find that balance for my own sanity?”—RM
“Strategy can be very lucrative but you have to build that up—so how do you still keep putting Cheerios in the bowl between now and then?”—JS
“In order to really steer clear of execution, we have to put some big ‘ole boundaries in place.”—RM
“If you’re new to doing strategy it can feel like you’re not adding enough value because there’s so much profit.”—JS
“Working as the architect (the strategist) is a different way of working—it’s a different mindset.”—RM
“To shift out of (execution) and just deliver a strategy or an architecture or a migration plan and just leave is a hard shift for people and that can suck them back into implementation.”—JS
“There are people out there who are loving doing the execution and you want to know those people. They’re not your competition—in fact they might be the ones that help you get out of having to do more execution…”—RM
“Your positioning gives you a litmus test…it tells you what you should say yes to and what you should say no to.”—JS