Engineering Confidence

What if you could engineer—piece by piece—confidence in your ability to serve clients and buyers, build your reputation and grow your business?
Would you dare on a different level, take more risks—or just enjoy a heightened sense of comfort with where you’re at?
Inspired by a listener observation, Jonathan and I take a practical, how-to look at building confidence inside your authority business:
How confidence plays out in growing your business—and the role of daring and initiative in your success.
Why you need a handful of marketing processes built around your expertise and your market position—and a few examples of those that work.
How to think about and design your selling systems with both fixed and fluid components.
Ensuring your delivery processes support your selling and marketing and deliver your promised outcomes.
Why your behind-the-scenes operations need processes too—including project management, invoicing and client/team communications.
“It’s not confidence that allows me to launch (something new). It’s that if it doesn’t work, I’ll try something else.”—JS
“Well-placed confidence says, listen, I’ve been through this before. I don’t know if it’s going to be successful, but I’m confident that I’m going to do my best to make this work.”—RM
“What is the market telling me…is this thing I created not selling at this price? What am I learning from that? And how do you build a system around it?”—JS
“It’s hysterical how those checklists save us time, but they engineer confidence. Because you can focus on what’s important vs. the miscellaneous stuff that has to get done.”—RM
“If you have to learn the lesson every time…you’re not engineering any confidence in your process.”—JS
“When it comes to selling, you want to absolutely systematize every possible thing.”—RM
“You’ve already burned the creative energy to come up with a really good way to say this—why reinvent the wheel?”—JS
“Process is absolutely a critical part of being a believable, repeatable, successful consultant.”—RM