Engaging A Community

You know that engaging the right on-line community is a good idea for your authority business—but where should you invest your efforts?
Jonathan and I cover how and where to engage as well as whether your best bet might be to start your own group:
The value of starting small, including carefully curating the initial members you invite to your community.
Growing your tribe organically by tapping into existing members and setting a consistent tone.
How building an engaged community can build your authority quickly.
How to position yourself (and your ideas) inside a community to increase your chances of being successful.
How to think about the time you spend building community (hint: we’re talking business development).
Where you’ll get your value as a member or community creator and why fostering more connections is good for everyone.
“Growing a community…is not tons of work. It’s just a little bit of gardening-type work where you go out and weed the garden, water it a little bit and come back every day.”—JS
“A community can be a warming plate—how you keep your people in motion or warming up until they’re ready to work with you.”—RM
“If you’re looking for community and can’t find it, maybe you need to start it.”—JS
“Part of building or engaging in a community is finding your people.”—RM