You don’t step on Superman’s cape.

Soloist Business Advisory

You’re FINALLY ready to make your expertise business work for you vs. the other way around.

Any of these sound familiar?

You’ve hit a plateau in your business and are ready to pivot your positioning, monetizing and selling to take your next leap (and don’t have time to dither).

You’re beyond motivated to get off the gilded hamster wheel of swapping time for money—without reducing your income.

You’re simmering on the revolution you want to lead that will change your corner of the world (and pivot/level up your business), but you’re not sure exactly how to make that happen.

Your business is rolling along at a healthy six-figure pace, but you’re ready to build a highly visible platform—book(s), speaking, media—and want to do it strategically (and fast).

You’ve got one foot in the past with the other reaching for the future. I will build the bridge between the two so you can confidently cross—knowing exactly what to do.


The business and life you’ve imagined for yourself (typically including 2-5X revenue growth).

Confidence that the time you’re investing in this next move will make strategic and practical sense.

Clear expert/authority positioning in your niche, including highly targeted and unforgettable messaging.

Concrete pricing and market positioning of your services and products (books, membership, courses and the like).

A plan to roll out your strategy in the marketplace with clients and buyers, prospects, media and alliance partners.

Unmistakable direction on how to lead and manage your business from your genius zone.

A been-there, done-that advisor to guide you through the transition.

Here’s how it works. We will:

Get hyper-specific on your vision—what you want your business to deliver in terms of revenue, ideal clients + buyers, your niche, free time and flexibility.
Develop a Soloist Strategy that allows you to work in your genius zone while building both your wealth (revenue, free time, flexibility) and your impact.
Design systems to leverage your time without having to hire employees.
Meet twice a month to discuss progress, clear any stumbling blocks and attack the next assignment.
Communicate between calls via a private slack channel.

Clients typically experience 2-5X revenue growth and/or transition to working fewer, more satisfying hours.

Your investment: $15,000 for an initial 3-month (renewable) period. Payment is due when we start working together.

I offer you a risk-free, money back guarantee: if you aren’t seeing benefits within 30 days, I’ll refund your money.

If you’re ready to make your business work on a whole different level, reach out here and I’ll send you a link to my calendar.