To keep climbing, you need to know where to plant your feet.

Intensive Strategy Session

Let’s tackle your hairiest challenge.

This session is designed to zero in on—and solve—your biggest barrier to moving forward with confidence in your Soloist business. Some of the challenges you might chose for us to work on include:

  • Pivot your business including how to message, market and sell your new positioning
  • Monetize your genius in new ways to increase revenue and/or reduce time worked
  • Strategize on a significant new product or service, such as a book or productized service
  • (Re)Design your sales process to build a reliably consistent pipeline

OPTION ONE: We’ll spend a focused (virtual) half day together, diving into the issue you’ve been wrestling with, such as positioning, monetizing or selling your expertise.

Your investment: $3,750*


After your payment is processed, you’ll be directed to my on-line calendar to set up our call.

OPTION TWO: We’ll spend a full day together here in Palm Springs in a creative setting, diving into the issue that is keeping you from your best Soloist business.

Your investment: $8,500*


After your payment is processed, you’ll be directed to my on-line calendar to set up our day in Palm Springs (I’ll work with you so you can coordinate travel easily).

*My personal guarantee: If at the conclusion of our session you feel that you didn’t get the value you expected, simply let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.