Getting Better Clients

One of the takeaways from our interview with Seth Godin was the need to always be getting better clients.
“Better” as in they trust you more—and pay you more. That you thoroughly enjoy working with them and can produce the very best kind of transformations you know you can deliver.
Join Jonathan and me as we walk through how to get better clients: the importance of your niche, point of view and messaging, focusing on business outcomes, avoiding “small ball” and overcoming imposter syndrome.
“Every client you take on, you want it to be better than the last one.” –JS
“Each one will teach you something that you didn’t know before about how to attract that client.” –RM
“Courage is acting even though you feel the fear.” –JS
“We have to have this headspace that says we’re not going to play small ball. This is the major leagues.” –RM