Defining Your Competition

It’s always interesting when you get consultants and freelancers talking about their “competition”. Not everybody likes to think of it as a line-up of enemies who you must battle to the death to win the sale.
Jonathan and I fall into the “let’s learn what we can by others in our space and serve only those clients where we’ve got the ideal fit” camp.
So in this episode, we’ll cover the concept of building your “brand neighborhood”, how to communicate with competitors (and define yourself at least as well as they do) and the merits of being choosy about who you work with.
“I think it’s important for authorities to understand who around you you should pay attention to.” –RM
“I find that a lot of people I work with have a really hard time defining their unique difference.” –JS
“I don’t want to take somebody on that really should be with someone else, because it’s not going to go well.” –JS
“You’ve gotta get really clear on your special sauce.” –RM