Dealing With Chaos

After hearing from a number of listeners who are feeling stressed (or stuck) right now, Jonathan Stark and I decided to do a special, off-schedule episode devoted to dealing with chaos.
We talk about how to find your way in this current “normal”, when it makes sense to pivot (and how) and why staying focused on serving your audience is the smart strategy.
Listen in and please also let us know what other questions and challenges you’d like us to address.
“The most effective thing you can do is focus on who you can help” –JS
“You do want to come up with ways that are client-focused for you to meet them where they are now…their new pains, their new anxieties, their new concerns or nightmares” –JS
“Even if you’re a soloist…if you’re out there, talking about your big idea, trying to make a group of people better in some way, you are a leader. It’s our responsibility at times like this to step up and lead.” –RM
“There’s a hidden surprise in all this—when you start serving clients in a way you hadn’t expected, you might discover some new talents and even a new superpower.” –RM