Can You Re-train Clients?

What happens when you change a core piece of how you serve your clients—can you re-train existing clients to your new mode of serving?
Jonathan and I dive into what to do with existing clients when you make a key change in your business model:
The difference between changing pricing models (e.g. hourly to subscription) and changing how you work.
What happens when you start increasing your altitude, such as moving from tactical to strategic advice.
How to introduce changes when you operate a “whale” model—3-5 intensive clients who each deliver a significant chunk of your revenue.
The importance of boundaries and guardrails—and why you’re re-training yourself as much as the client.
When it’s flat out easier to go get new clients vs. getting your existing folks to see the light.
Jonathan | Daily List | Website | Ditcherville | LinkedIn | Twitter
Rochelle | Email List | Soloist Women | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram